I think B would have been thrilled with a honeymoon baby. I had other plans! There were several things I wanted to do before I had a baby and certain times a year they had to be born, etc.. He also said on a regular basis "I'm giving you two kids, if you want more you're going to have to go somewhere else" B should have known I always get my way! By the time I decided we could try to have a baby we learned IVF would be the only way it was going to happen. So I googled "top Fertility clinics in the US" called the closest one and they told me they would call in some prescriptions for me and to come to Saint Louis in August. It was really that easy. You would have thought I would have done a little more research, met the doctor first, bought some books or something, but we didn't. In fact we didn't really prepare at all. We really had the attitude that if it works it works, if it doesn't no big deal. I was barely 27 so I knew we had plenty of time to have a baby. We met our doctor the day before my procedure. Thank goodness I liked him! He told us we had about a 60% chance of having one baby. I asked what I needed to be doing and he said "just relax, don't worry about anything, don't do internet research, stay away from chat rooms and message boards, etc" We joke now that we were both a little too relaxed and laid back! Everything was pretty easy breezy. The day we went in to have our embryos implanted our doctor told us we had "one great embryo, one okay embryo, and one that didn't look so great and probably wouldn't make it. " Even though we had decided to only implant two he said he really thought we should go ahead and do all three since that's all we had anyway and it would slightly increase our chances. I think I said "I don't think I could handle triplets" and he said "don't worry that won't happen. I would say your chance of having triplets is only about 1-2%, theres no way they will all make it." B said "let's just do it" and I said "well, three is my lucky number" This conversation lasted about 2 minutes and took place about 3 minutes before they implanted the embryos. Those were our famous last words.....
All of our babies (Coco, Layla, and the triplets) came from Missouri! Should we name one Mo??? Joking..
I really wish I knew how to add text bubbles to my pictures! If I could they would say "B, should we take a picture in case this works?" "Whatever Michelle, let's make this fast I'm hungry"
"Quit taking pictures. You think they will notice if I take these scrubs home with me? I could use them as pajamas"
The first picture of the triplets!
New Years Refresh
1 week ago
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