Saturday morning I woke up at 6am and drove back to Fayetteville to see the babies one last time before B and I went to the beach for a week. I did a lot of driving that day but I'm glad I did! This was going to be the first time I left the babies for an extended period of time and I didn't know how I would handle it! B had a bet going that I would fly home by Tuesday because I missed them so much! haha I tried to tell him that I could handle it! I snapped this picture right before I left! I needed one last picture to look at when I missed them! I was very proud of myself! I didn't even cry when I left. Nini came to town to help my mom watch them so I knew they were going to be in good hands! I also knew that I was only going to be in FL! If I missed them too much I was a short plane ride away from seeing them!

We flew out of LR on the Vision airline direct flight. I would highly recommend it (although someone told me it was getting canceled! Who knows?). We were at the beach in an hour! The one downfall of flying is that we had so much luggage and a pretty small rental car! I really should have taken a picture of all of us packed in the car. I think we had two golf bags, 4 large bags, and 4 carry ons. It was a tight squeeze!
The drive to Rosemary was about an hour but we stopped half way there in Destin to have a late dinner at The Back Porch. Once we got to the condo I went right to sleep. I slept so good on this trip. I told B that either the bed was super comfy or I was way more tired than I realized. Or maybe I just forgot what it is like to sleep without waking up every four hours to reinsert a paci or feed a baby!
We slept late and then had lunch at a little restaurant near our condo. After lunch we rented our bikes. B was of course in heaven all week riding his bike every where. Every night he wanted us to ride our bikes to dinner.... Even if it was 15 miles away. ha Oh and B wore his garage sale glasses all week at the beach... The Ray Bans I bought him for his birthday this year have been tossed aside for his bargain pair.

We rode our bikes to the beach and got our vacation started! I felt sorry for Matt this week because B is sooo antsy! He literally can not sit still. I think laying out is torture for him. As soon as we got settled in our chairs he was begging Matt to get in the ocean, toss the frisbee, throw the baseball, etc. He was always on the move. It kind of worked out okay because he was always willing to go back to the condo to refill the cooler!
B was so excited about this vacation. He can be very enthusiastic at times! I jokingly called this trip "Spring Break '99". He honestly acted like he was in college again! His excuse for everything was "We're on vacation". Ha

When we finally came in from the beach we got ready and went to the Red Bar for dinner. This is one of my favorite restaurants. Apparently a lot of people feel the same way because it was packed! While we waited for a table B made a new friend. He was an old man that lived in the area. I think he sat at the bar every night and hit on the poor waitresses. Basically an old pervy man. He told B and Matt he would take them out on his boat to fish if they would pay for the gas! ha I told B he would probably toss them overboard once they were in the middle of the ocean! I think B told me I have been watching too many Criminal Minds episodes.
The next day the boys left early to play golf and Emily and I slept in and then went to the beach. We stopped at La Crema for lunch and started our day with Mimosa Slushies. Soo good! We gave this little restaurant a lot of business while we were in town!

After our day at the beach we decided to ride our bikes to Aly's beach for dinner. This area was so neat. I really loved it.
I'm not sure why I even tried to straighten my hair! It was a short bike ride away but my hair was a frizzy mess by the time we made it to the restaurant!
B left me in the dust of course!

We had dinner at Georges and it was so good. If I remember correctly I had scallops and B had salmon. I ate so much seafood this week. I definitely exceeded my mercury allowance for the year!

Emily and Matt ordered lobster quesadillas as an appetizer and they were so good! B had to rain on their parade and point out that they were $30. Leave it to B to notice the price! I think they were completely worth it though!
Em and Matt with their high dollar quesadillas!

Since we were biking and not driving we decided to keep the party going and we went back to La Crema for champagne and dessert. We split chocolate peanut butter bread pudding and white chocolate molten cake! I remember exactly what we ordered because it was so good! I think I gained 10lbs on this trip for sure!

The next day we were all a little burned so we decided to drive into Destin to shop. We let the boys pick the lunch spot and they picked Cheeseburger in Paradise. Umm it was probably the grossest food I've ever had! The guys ordered cheese dip which was basically Cheez Whiz, then B and I split mini burgers that were pretty terrible too! There was also green mold all over the ceiling. I think all of the waitresses were Fudrucker/Joes Crab Shack rejects, they were terrible! Spilling stuff left and right! The whole experience was pretty laughable! I found a few cute things for the babies at the outlet mall. My shopping days are over! I bought myself one t-shirt and the babies racked up.
On our way back to Rosemary we decided to stop in Seaside and have dinner at Great Southern. It was so yummy.
They had several fresh fruit mojitoes on the menu and the strawberry were delicious! I really wanted to try them all! I'm glad I didn't because we ordered so much food! After I had already ordered Karrie text me and said you have to get the crab claws! Soooo I added those to our order too!

As you can see our week basically consisted of eating, drinking, sleeping, and laying on the beach. I guess you really can't get much better than that!
I'm glad you took so many pictures- I need copies of them all!!! Let's go back TOMORROW!!
PS Don't be surprised to see that outfit again at the first razorback game;)
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