We invited everyone to our house after the christening for lunch. I can not take any credit for the lunch! Big thanks to my mom, dad, and Jenny for making all of the food! It was delicious. Oh and Ricks bakery! ha Also, thanks to my mom and B's mom for helping me clean our house and get it ready! Jenny, thanks for hanging all of my pictures! Heather thanks for helping me move all of our furniture too! Saturday night I decided to rearrange our house! ha I swear the only time any thing gets done around the house is when I'm about to host a party or have people over! Maybe I need to have parties more often!
Our little family! Minus Coco and Layla!

Cali and Alex
The yummy food and my sad attempt at arranging the flowers I bought at Sam's!
I wish Ava would have been in this pic! It would have been four generations!
The Srygley family a little out of focus! My camera was malfunctioning!
Heather, Kathy, and Ava.
Karrie, Leslie, and me!
B, Heather, Brooks, and Ava! Does Brooks not look so cute in his little outfit???
Cole and Cade! How cute are they? As soon as I pointed my camera in their direction they struck a pose! Then Cade asked to see it on my screen! I think their mommy must take a lot of pictures of them!
Caroline and thumb sucking Ava!
Jenny and grandma.
Grandpa and Ava! Ava did a little costume change halfway through the party!
The pretty cake! This was actually Rick's second attempt. I showed them a picture a month ago of what I wanted. When I picked it up on Saturday it was not at all like the picture so they had to redo it! This isn't exactly right but a lot closer!

Jeannie, Ava and Dad.
Dad and Jenny got the babies the cutest little books they can play with in church. I have a feeling these will definitely be put to good use!
Ava and her great grandma!
Cutie Madeline with the girls!
Cindy, Cindy, and Gigi!
Aunt Heather and Brooks!
Stacy, John, and Ava.
Ava made herserlf comfortable in Cali's arms!
Thanks Em for the pretty flowers!
Poor Jennifer is always working when the babies are around!
We can't wait to find out if Ava is going to have a new bff or a new boyfriend in March!
Ava and her mommy.
The girls!
Thanks everyone for making the babies Christening so special! We are so glad all of our friends and family were able to celebrate this special day with us!

SO glad we ran into you tonight! I've had so much fun scrolling through your blog! Your trio is absolutely adorable!!!! SO proud of you!! :)
This time I managed to escape your camera wrath! Haha
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