Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Cell Phone Pics

The gangs all here!  
Screech, Jessie Spano, Lisa, Slater, Kelly and my main man Zack!
We had so much fun at the Clark's Halloween party!  I had forgotten how fun a dress up party can be! 

Zack and Kelly, together forever! 

Our last tailgate of the season! 

We celebrated Caroline's birthday for her since she didn't come to the game! 

Our spread!  I think it took us the entire season to get our tailgate pulled together but we finally did it! 

Cheers to friends and football!! 

Some days I wake up and know I'm in for a rough one.  This was one of those days.  The kids had appointments for flu shots bright and early.  This is what they chose to wear.  I didn't have the energy to fight them!  Thank goodness we went with the flu mist instead of shots since I was solo!  They didn't mind it at all!  I went first and they couldn't wait for their turns!  After we left we met my dad for lunch where Brooks proceeded to pick up some screen thing in a urinal.  Oh and it was in a bathroom that was out of soap.  Things like that are my worst nightmare… Yuck, yuck, yuck! 

After lunch we went to Sam's and Bob bought everyone a surprise!

Knoxie got an Elmo that gives hugs!  My little snugly boy loves him! 

Ava got a Hello Kitty purse she can decorate!  She has spent hours coloring every inch of the purse! She only used the pink marker of course! Oh and B helped Ava apply glitter glue to her mouth because he thought it was lip gloss…. Like I said, it was a rough day! 

Brooksy got a dump truck and a hard hat!  Ava high jacked the hard hat and loaded the dump truck with toys.  Brooksy loves it! 

I really need to start taking pictures of her outfits daily.  She gets pretty creative!  

Nini came to visit and she brought gifts!  She got Ava a Baby Alive doll!  She is obsessed! She takes her job as mommy very seriously! She feeds her baby bottles, food, and then changes her diaper!  Knox wanted in on the action too!  These two have a touch of mommy's OCD and they can't stand for the baby to have a dirty diaper! 

Nini brought dress up clothes too! Someone was feeling like hot stuff! 

My good little mommy put her baby down for a nap and read her a book.  Oh, and put on her brothers tie to complete her look! 

My baby girl waiting patiently for her new bff to be born! We couldn't wait to meet baby Scarlett!

She's here! Such a beautiful baby! 

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