Thursday, October 4, 2012

School Pics!

I think I already mentioned how terrible our school picture experience was.  It was the day after Brooks had his little accident and he was just not in a good mood!  I was shocked when I saw Ava and Knox's pictures!  They were actually pretty cute!  Brook's on the other hand were just sad!  Thankfully, I think they take them again at the end of the year!  Maybe I can get a cute one of Brooks then!  I of course had to order packages for all three!  I couldn't not have pictures of Brooksy!  I think I need to get in the school picture business!  They aren't cheap! 


Emily! said...

Poor Brooks looks like he was just run over by that little train in the background! The props kill me haha! Surely a graphic designer can come up with something better??

Keri said...

Oh my gosh! That's one of the cutest/funniest things I've seen! Poor Brooks! He looks so sad! We are doing school pictures for the first time next week and I'm a little scared how Eli's will turn out.

The Nuckols said...

Love the pics...but poor Brooksie!