Brandon left early that morning to go shower and let the dogs out and while he was gone Dr P stopped by to release me. I was dying to see the babies but I wanted to get home to shower first so while Brandon was gone I called my dad to come help me pack everything up and take me home! I had so much stuff in my room! It looked like I had been living there a week! I forgot to call B to tell him I didn't need him to come back so as I was being wheeled out he showed up! My dad took pictures when I was leaving the hospital but I look terrible in all of them!
This is the only picture that I can post and it is still pretty bad! I think in this picture I was saying "put the camera down I look terrible!"
I of course bawled on the way home because I wasn't taking my babies home with me! My poor dad had to listen to my meltdown the entire ride!Ha My mom was busy at the house sterilizing our house, doing laundry, cooking, etc. My house has never been cleaned like that! I'm really not sure how I will ever repay everyone for all they have done for us! This really puts the pressure on me to get my parents really good mothers day and fathers day gifts!
I was only home long enough to shower and then I was back at the nicu visiting our sweet babies! I can't find any pictures I took! I think I must have left my camera at home!
I was so excited about sleeping in my own bed! I had no idea how uncomfortable it would be! I was a little spoiled by the adjustable bed in the hospital! My first night of sleep was rough! It didn't help that I had to wake up every three hours to pump! I finally figured out a way to fall asleep around 5 in the morning. I put on this Velcro belt thing. Similar to what people that work at Wal-Mart wear for their backs. In fact, when I have it on B likes to joke and say I look like I'm ready to go work at UPS. It works though! It's the only way I can lay on my side without feeling like my insides are going to fall out! I really don't see how people have c-sections and then take their babies home the next day! It's been nice to have a little time to recover before I get into mommy mode! This belt is also supposed to help your stomach go back to normal. I'm not getting my hopes up on this claim. I think it's going to be a while before anything looks normal! Ha
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