I can't believe today was my last appointment! It's kind of sad! We listened to the heartbeats and then I gave Dr. P my two request..1. A big room 2. No male nurses. I felt like such a spoiled brat telling her that! haha She didn't seem to mind though! Oh and I also told her I was going to need a little something to help me calm down before my c section! I'm a chicken when it comes to needles!
I had to visit the triage area again for an ultrasound and non-stress test. Brooks supposedly weighs 5lbs 9oz, Knox 5lbs 6oz, and Ava 5lbs 2oz. I can't wait to see how accurate these measurements are. I have a feeling they are way off. The babies were very active as usual. This makes it very hard to monitor their heartbeats. They finally cooperated and we were able to monitor them for 20 minutes straight.
I was a better patient this time around. I did take off my blood pressure cuff because it was hurting and refused to give another urine sample but other than that I think I was an easy patient! Ha Everything looked great!
I asked the nurse if I was having contractions. She said I was having them every 3-5 minutes! I didn't feel a thing! They told me I would definitely know if I was in labor! Hopefully that won't happen! Only 1 day left!
1 comment:
You look great! I was scared to death of the epidural and my blood pressure sky rocketed when they walked it to do it. It was not a big deal at all. I definitely will not be nervous next time. You will be just fine. Oh, last day of pregnancy!
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