Before I delivered I was told if one baby had to go to the nicu they all would because they don't like to split them up. Ava's lungs weren't as developed as the boys so they took all of the babies to the nicu. I will be honest, it's almost a relief to know my babies are getting such great care and attention. Everyone said it's the best babysitters you will every have and it's true! I can't imagine taking all three home. There is no way I would be able to take care of them. I've been pretty sore! The c section was no joke! I even asked to stay an extra night in the hospital. I still miss that adjustable bed! Oh and after two days of refusing to take pain pills I caved! I started out only taking half a pill but that quickly changed!
The first baby I held was Knox. My heart literally melted. These babies are so sweet. Knox, definitely doesn't look like B at all. He has the darkest hair, eyes, and skin. He is so snugly and pretty spunky too! All of the nurses talk about his little personality.
Little Knox has changed so much since this picture was taken!
Now that the babies are here I can't imagine just having one. It would be a constant fight about who got to hold the baby! I will never have to worry about these babies getting held enough!
This is what their little room looks like. I'm so glad they are in a private room. We have our own bathroom, a couch, two recliners. It's a pretty nice setup! It's also nice to have our own nurse in the room with them at all times. I call every morning as soon as I wake up to get an update on my babies.
Sweet baby Brooks aka Brandon's twin. He has the lightest blond hair and the biggest lips! Who would have ever thought I would have a blond baby with big lips! I guess he got the lips from my mom. He does have my eyes but we can't tell if they are going to be blue or brown. He is our laid back baby! This kid rarely cries. The nurses say they are all very calm and laid back but that Brooks is the go with the flow baby!
He is such a cutie! He also scored the highest on his apgar test. A 9 and a 10! Maybe he will be our overachiever like his mommy! ha Just joking about that! Ava and Knox weren't far behind him. They scored an 8 and a 9.
The entire time I was holding them my mom was holding my hair and fanning me! Those hot flashes were out of control! I'm so glad they ended!
So cute!
Little Ava. Or I guess I should say big Ava. She was my longest baby. At every ultrasound she measured smaller than the boys. She was at the very bottom and we were so worried she was going to get smashed! haha I think she will be able to hold her own! One thing I don't miss is her long legs constantly kicking my bladder! We think she might be our combination baby but the older she gets the more she looks like Knox and her mommy. I didn't get to hold her the first day because she needed a little oxygen. I couldn't wait to get my hands on her the next day!
Carol taking me back to my room. I'm surprised I didn't cry! Every time I leave the babies I usually shed a few tears!
So sweet, I can't wait to snuggle with them!! Text me updated pictures!!
Love all the posts! You will be so glad you have all of this documented for those 3 special babes one day.
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