I really can't believe I made it this far. I honestly feel like I could make it to 40 weeks! I am a freak of nature. I really thought by now I would be tired, have heartburn, be in some sort of pain, etc. But nothing! I feel better now than I did at 20 weeks! On my way to my appt. yesterday B said he thought we should sign me up to be a surrogate if the money was right! I don't think so!
I had my first appt. with Dr. P yesterday and it was so nice to be back! Everything looked great! My Bp was normal, I had to get my finger pricked to check my iron and that was normal, I didn't gain any weight which is always nice, and I haven't dilated at all! I did have a little protein so she wanted to check that with blood work. We also set a date for my c-section!!! The babies will be here next Wednesday April 20th, 2011. She asked if we had a day we liked but I really hadn't thought too much about it! The 20th happens to be Dr. P's Birthday so she thought it would be a great day to do it! We're so excited! I really can't believe they will be here in 6 days!!! I hope we're ready! Ha
We had to go downstairs and pre-register and I also had to go to the triage area and have a non-stress test. This took forever!!! I had lunch plans at noon so I was in a bit of a hurry anyway!
I have decided I am not a good patient... I had to change into a hospital gown, get the bracelets, etc. I felt like I was checking in! I know my millions of questions drove the poor nurses crazy! They had to strap 4 monitors onto my stomach to check the babies heartbeats and to check for contractions. This is not an easy job to do! Ava is basically laying under Brooks so they kept picking up his heartbeat. As soon as they would get it situated one of the babies would move or I would move and we would have to start over. I also had to be laying in the most uncomfortable hospital bed ever made. They assured me my bed in the actual hospital would be better. I hope so. I had to lay like this for an hour until all of my blood work came back. (At Dr W's office I only had to do this for about 15 minutes and I made sure to tell them this! ha) I made poor B go get the nurse about 3 times to tell her I couldn't lay there anymore I was done! haha I know they were ready to get rid of me! Finally I think she got sick of dealing with me and called Dr P and she said I could go! I didn't have any contractions, my blood work was normal, and the babies heartbeats looked great! Oops I almost forgot, while we were monitoring the heartbeats the babies were of course going crazy! My stomach was all over the place! B and I started hearing this loud thumping sound. He went and asked the nurse if that was normal and she told us Brooks had the hiccups! It was crazy to hear it and see it! My whole stomach would shake! He's the fatty of the bunch so we thought it was funny that he was the one that had the hiccups. B said he's been eating too much! haha
After the triage ordeal I had to go back to the front desk to meet with the pre-op nurse. Keep in mind we have already been at the hospital for three hours. I was also about 10 minutes late for lunch (Happy Birthday Karrie)! I think everyone, pre-op nurse included, decided to hit up the cafeteria because the place was a ghost town. After waiting for about 20 minutes (and smelling that awful food) I decided to hit the road. We just walked out. I figured if I got in trouble I would pull the triplet card and say I needed to get home and rest. While I was at lunch with friends I checked my phone and I had three missed calls from the hospital! I felt terrible. I talked to the nurse and she said they had been looking for me everywhere...Oops! I told her I had to leave for another appt. but that I would come back tomorrow. So... I'm going to try again this afternoon! I'm also going to visit Ava, Brooks, and Knox's new best buddy Eli who was born yesterday! I can't wait!
The past 35 weeks have flown by! I really can't believe I have less than a week left! So excited!
This is a terrible bump pic but it was the best I could do without my photographer (Caroline).
Michelle! I am sooo proud of you!!!! You are such a trooper!!! Can't wait to meet the babies!!!
You've done so amazing!! Thinking of you guys this week!
i think my 1 baby bump may be bigger than you 3 baby bump!!!! good luck on wednesday! can't wait to see pics!
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